web design

We provide all the web interfaces and functionality you need with the zing you love. We're a team of web development professionals and front-end, UX/UI designers who have built really great solutions. Whether it's successfully crafting critical Inventory Control management software, developing large and complex e-commerce and mobile code for large, financial institutions.To create the perfect application for your business it’s critical we learn what is important to you and your customers.

When working on web applications we often try to think in terms of the type of people who will be using the system and the activities they will need to perform.We typically don’t jump directly into making beautiful application designs. The first part of the process is to create basic sketches of each of the screens of your application.After we have outlined a plan, identified the necessary features, and have the aesthetic designs created for each of the pages within the application, we will start developing your product.Our projects are typically low maintenance but it’s rare to have a development project that is no maintenance.

web design cycle

Just like software development, the website development process can also be separated into different life-cycle. We at Acro Bright Inc believe that the purpose of a development life-cycle is to help align the developers with tasks that need to be done at certain stages, and to work to a set of standards and procedures to help ensure the client and users get the maximum quality.

Following is the life-cycle based upon the project we have undertaken:
  • Analysis and Requirements Gathering, includes Interviews with the client and users,E-mails and documents from the client,Discussion Notes and Model sites
  • Specification Building, includes Reports from the analysis team
  • Design and Development includes Site design with templates, Images and Prototype
  • Content Writing includes Site with formatted content
  • Coding and Testing includes The site with forms and the requirement specification
  • Promotion and SEO includes Site submission to search engines, Site map and Keyword Analysis
  • Maintenance and Updating includes Re-Analysis and Web site updates and Supporting documents